The University of Chicago Library
Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
Mamluk Bibliography Online
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1. Melvin-Koushki, Matthew. "The delicate art of aggression: Uzun Hasan's fathnama to Qaytbay of 1469." Iranian Studies 44, 2 (2011): 193 -214.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Literature
2. Melvin-Koushki, Matthew. "In Defense of Geomancy: Šaraf al-Dīn Yazdī Rebuts Ibn Ḫaldūn's Critique of the Occult Sciences." Arabica 64, 3-4 (2017): 346–403.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Barquq/Individuals--Ibn Khaldun/Religion--Philosophy



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